Saturday, October 05, 2013

Crucial Leadership Lessons from Philippians 1:1

Written by Paul and Timothy to the church in ancient Philippi (see the northeast coast of Greece), we see directly into Paul's view of not only himself but those he ministers to. He doesn't look down on them. He sees them as 'saints' or 'holy ones'. Holy has two connotations here: 1) Separated for the use of someone or something. 2) Radiating with divine love. The apostle sees the believers and leaders in Philippi as separated for Jesus' use and radiating with divine love. The negative and positive elements of holiness blended together. He also casts himself and his cohort Timothy as servants. This idea is based on his calling. He knows Jesus not only has qualified him, but that Jesus loves him. He knows that so well that he is able to function as a bond-servant of Jesus without hesitation. He sees himself as a servant who kneels down to remove the sandals of others and wash their feet. Paul takes a lower position. He is not 'lording it over' those he ministers to. He instead leads from the place of a 'kneeling Christian' as in a servant. Soon we will see the kneeling idea carries on into a continual prayer life for the Philippians. What a model for leadership Paul reveals to us! Like an appliance devoted to grinding beans, or to storing coffee beans, or to making coffee, so Paul sees himself set apart to serve Jesus. And in serving Jesus he ministers to the 'saints' in Philippi.
The root theological perspective behind this is the cross. Identification with the cross enables a mature leader to address even the newest believers as saints. This is because the blood of the cross is enough to qualify anyone who puts their trust in the work of Christ on the cross! Rich concepts indeed! What a rich book Philippians is. And this is just the greeting in verse one! Cross references: CNV5 Matthew 20:25 耶穌把他們叫過來,說:"你們知道各國都有元首統治他們,也有官長管轄他們。 26 但你們中間卻不要這樣;誰想在你們中間成為大的,就要作你們的僕役; ESV Matthew 20:25 But Jesus called them to him and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, Paul saw himself as a servant, not as the boss. He saw himself as lower than others, not as higher. He also presented Timothy this way.

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