Sunday, November 06, 2005

Life's Goal is Jesus

The goal of life is Jesus
Sermon Notes
The ABC’s of Philippians 3:12 to 4:1
David Bielby November 6, 2005

Introduction: Saul’s conversion story Acts 9:1-19

A) Yearn to grow in knowing Jesus: Phil 3:10-16

B) Yearn for Jesus’ return: Phil 3:17-21

C) Remember that you stand against the world, the devil’s schemes and your own sinful flesh by four keys (Philippians 4:1):

1) Reject the Pharisees way (Philippians 3:1-11)
2) Follow Paul’s way (Philippians 3:1-11)
3) Yearn to grow in knowing Jesus (Philippians 3:10-16)

Why can’t we have a church where some people think once saved always saved, and some people think sanctification is fully possible now and yet still love one another?

4) Yearn for Jesus’ return (Philippians 3:17-21)

The theme of eschatology (end of this age and the return of Jesus) runs through Paul’s writings. Here it is in Philippians again! It has been an inference or direct reference in every single paragraph of Philippians. It is a theme also in Ephesians as well as Romans. So I am praying about taking the congregation through a study of the book of Revelation in 2006. Join me in praying about this. Does our trust in what the bible says about the future affect our daily living for Jesus now? Paul keeps hammering the concept home. Here we have it again in Philippians 3:17-21.

The illustration of a runner: Keep running towards Jesus

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