Sunday, September 25, 2005

Encouragement Philippians 1:1-11

Joy for the journey in Christ Jesus
Part 2: Encouragement
Philippians 1:1-11
David Bielby

Christian encouragement is the art of helping someone become a better Christian during all seasons of life.

1) Review of past msg.
2) Cultivate the art of elevating others
Philippians 1:1-2
Paul was an apostle. How did he present himself to the Philippians? What connotation did the label slave have in their day? Paul was a tradesman (tent maker), Apostle, successful church planter, faith healer, prophetic minister and many other wonderful things in God’s Kingdom.

As we mature in Christ, we become less and less impressed with name dropping and titles for ourselves, and more interested in elevating others around us.

If you want to be great, be the servant of all.

The cult of celebrity seems to be an American disease. The plague of vain ambition-can ruin us.

Humility is a guardian against the plague of vain ambition resident within the heart of the leader who wants to be a star. Status, name-dropping, defensiveness, self-promotion, using the ends to justify the means are all bluntly shut out by Paul’s humble presentation of himself.

For more: Denny Gunderson’s “The Leadership Paradox”

To identify as a slave of Christ is to say that one is no longer a slave to sin. It is not just saying he is called a slave of Christ…no Paul says he is a slave of Christ.

See Romans 6:15-23

Chrysostom said Paul made slavery for Christ an honor by saying this. In other words, the lowest point of societal roles has now become the pinnacle of Christianity.

3) Your partners in the gospel are the members of our fellowship & our missionaries.
Philipians 1:3-5
Our partners as a Church

One another here in B/N
Pastor, Servants Team & all the Saints
Our missionaries we have officially committed to
(Paul was an official partner with the Philippian Church)
Terry & Sharon Zimmerman
Lori Boyer

4) Pray thank-filled prayers for your partners in the gospel.

5) Pray for spiritual growth of your partners in the gospel. Never assume your
friends in Christ are ok. Pray for them. Love, knowledge & depth of insight, spiritual growth in purity & holiness.

6) Bear your true future in mind...always see the future judgment of believers where you will be rewarded for what you have done in Christ!
See Philippians 1:6 & 10

7) Communicate how you feel and how you are praying so your partners in the gospel know it and are encouraged as well.

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